Mama With Loves


Monday, November 21, 2011

~Special Request~wink3

Finally!! Is that what you are thinking? Its ok. You can admit it. We are all friends here.
Well it turns out some of you daring bakers want to make this yourselves. Yeah you! I cant wait to see and read all about it… send me links girls! (and boys… if there are any boys)
Well. In order for me to do a tutorial I had to make another one. So, forgive the less then stellar decorations, but here is our 'tutorial' heart cake.
But you didnt come to see the outside right?
Here goes.
Start out by making four eight inch pans of white cake.
Make one 9×13 (you can do whatever shape and size you want) pan of red velvet cake.
First I need to level each cake.
I use this handy dandy leveling cake thingy I got at Walmart for a few bucks.
Remember to do this for all four white cakes.
Add about 1/2 cup to 1 cup frosting and then put one layer on top. You want two separate two layer cakes at this point.
For the red velvet cake I just ran my fork through it to break it up. Then I added about a cup of frosting and combined well.
NOW! I usually like to freeze the cakes for at least a couple hours. If you cant freeze them, at least try and pop them in the fridge for a bit!
I know this looks pretty weird (maybe cause it is) but this is what I am going to use to make sure I have some uniformity in the heart design. Its just two toothpicks and a piece of twine.
Place one toothpick in the center of the cake, then (holding firmly) drag the outside toothpick around the cake and make a circle.
Like this! Now I have a rough guide line of where I am going to being carving. Do this to both cakes. (or, if you are a good drawer, just take a knife and cut a shallow line around the perimeter.)
Carve out a V shape in the cake.
The top half of the heart is a little trickier. This time, I started with my knife in the center of the cake and created this little island.
I then moved back out to my "guide line" and started cutting. I ended up creating this channel. Once this has been created, you can go back in a do some more carving to create more detail.
Here is after I went in with a spoon and carved out a bit more.
The two cakes carved out. The hard part is pretty much done now!
Now I can start filling in the cakes with the red velvet cake.
All filled! At this point I put it in my freezer for about 15 minutes. Just to let them set.
I added some frosting the the edge of the bottom cake. Make sure you know which is which! You are going to want to add the cake with the hallowed out 'channel' to the top of the V cake.
Here goes nothin! I have found the easiest way to do this is to just use your hand. Place it flat over the top of the 'channel' cake and flip it over. Then gently place it one the bottom cake.
Add some more frosting and do a rough crumb coat over the whole cake.
 ~My feveret customer request utk buat cake ni.. n i plan utk buat cake ni jugak utk birthday Muhamad Fudhail Sani this coming sunday... good luck mama hahahaha~

tutorial copy from imbaker :)

~Mama With Love~ 
Fara Othman

Friday, November 11, 2011

~Happy Birthday sayang Muhamad Fudhail Sani~ 1 year 11.11.11 :)

 11.11.10 :) 1st day baby kt dunia ni.. syukur Alhamdulillah :)

Happy Birthday Sayang..semoga  jadi insan yang berjaya di dunia dan akhirat kelak, menjadi anak yang soleh untuk mama n papa...mama, papa, kakak zara & kakak arissa..sangat2 sayangkan fudhail :) muaks muaks muaks

~Mama With Love~ Fara Othman

Friday, November 4, 2011

~Melaka Part 2~

 Kakak Happy nak pegi Zoo Melaka..sengih sampai ke telinga :)

 Dua hari berturut-turut pegi zoo.. tak jemu-jemu hehe
 Excited kakak tgk burung ni..(dalam cita RIO kan) blue :)..  siap nyanyi 1 wanna samba hehee
 kakak cute je posing..ade cahaya pulak..adik mcm biasa tak suka tgk mama tgh dok bleter kt arissa..haha
 With Cik Kim..:)
 kakak pose ngan crcodile...tak takut sikit pon okey hahaha
 mama yang scary..hua hua hua
 pose sikit sayang :)
 cinta hati mama :)
 hari ke dua lega sikit sebab pegi ngan papa..kakak baru lepas nangis nak beli mainan..hik hik hik
 tapi tetap sporting walaupon baru lepas nangis :)
 Adik minum susu..lepas ni dia takmo naik stroller jogging satu zoo waaaaa,,kagum mama ngan papa.. bnyk energy adik :)
 tengok gajah :) adik takut..hahaha
 nangis nak camera..haha jgn harap mama nak kasik..klu tak jadi mcm selalu langsung takde gambar kenang-kenangan..huhu
 kakak sgt suka tgk gajah.. :) time nak gerak..mama cakap babai elephant..kaka marah..mama tak blh say bye kt Elephant..hahahha kakak..
 nak pose ngan chimpanze konon.. :) tak nampak..hehe ni gambor kt bawah :)

 baby fudhail..dah lali2..penat hehe

 Best sangat pegi sini :) InsyaAllah ade rezeki kita datang lagi..yang penting mama & papa happy sangat tgk gelagat anak2 mama teruja tgk semua animal yg ada kt Zoo ni..:) TQVM papa darling

~Mama With Love~ 
Fara Othman

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

~Cuti-Cuti Malaysia (Melaka) part 1~

 kakak shopping mainan dulu sebelum dinner..hahaha 

 muka cik kim yang lapar sebab ptg mkn bihun saja..hahaha
 Papa melayan arissa main bubble..basah baju okey..hish adik2..
 Ni la Menu kitorang malam tu ngheee..saya tengah diet okey..ratah lauk je konon haahahah
 Udang laut bakar..sedap isi mains :)
 ni feverat mama.. :) selalu g shushi king dapat mkn sekor ja mahal..kt sini nah ambik kekeke
 Ikan siakap bakar dua ekor kitorg ambik..tapi memang lah sangat marveles okey..

malam pertama kitorg pekena ikan bakar di Umbai melaka...sangat lazat hingga menjilat jari..nyum..nyum..esok upload lagi gambar pegi zoo dann makan ikan bakar part 2..hahaah nasib baik dok putrajaya kalau dok melaka..harus lah kopak poket ... enjoy... ops.. sambil2 dok makan papa cakap air asam mama buat lagi sedap..hehehe :) ye la mama buat dengan penuh kasih sayang kan..yg tak sedap pon jadi sedap..hahahaha

~Mama With Love~ 
Fara Othman